Interview with Nobel Prize Jennifer Doudna
The CRISP technology is an extraordinary genetic tools than can change the way we look at medicine and the World. One of his creators explains how.
Published in El País Semanal.
Original Music: Luis Miguel Ariza.
The Fat Gene
Obesity has become the top health problem around the world. With more people getting fatter, more deaths from diabetes, heart diseases and cancer. Jeffrey Friedman is the discoverer of the genes that produce obesity in mouses and humans. He explain what we can do, ad we are fascinated. (long video en English, no subtitles).
Published in El País Semanal.
Original Music: Luis Miguel Ariza
Graphics courtesy of Dr. Friedman Lab, Rockefeller University
Aditional footage: UConn Rudd Center for Food Policy & Health
The Hydrogen Route
We drive a hydrogen Mirai car from Germany to Denmark. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe. And our best chance to win the battle of Climate Change.
Published in El País Semanal.